Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday Afternoon with Ms. Emily

The girls decided to help Ms. Emily get ready for her evening out. Of course, it became a party even before the bathroom door with all of the fun stuff in it was opened.


Charity Donovan said...

OMG That is hilarious!!!!!! I love "Princess Rock Star" with the blow-dryer!!! She is already destined to be the "Gen" of the group doing everyone's hair!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

Kelly Trullinger said...

So friggin cute! 4 girls...gotta love it! Can't wait till they are teenagers!

Travis Hartley said...

Hey sis, that was awesome, the girls are so funny and girly girl there :) i'll try and get up there soon

Travis Hartley said...

maybe in 3 or 4 weeks< will let u know.. kiss them babies for me