Hmm... other sayings.....
Rayne: Rockstar!, nice try, Yeah, Rayne! Good job! (she says this to herself when she has done something, usually something I would be saying the opposite too!!!!) Also, Rayne's newest thing is she will only wear certain diapers with certain characters on it. She will throw the biggest fit if you try to put on the Ernie diaper instead of Big Bird-Elmo one. I don't think this is a good sign for later..........JuJu will come up to you and now say "helloooooo JuJu Bean" especially if you don't say it quick enough. She is talking so much now! She will even grab a book and read it to you. (again, you may get a word or 2 out of it, but hey! She IS DOING IT!) Skye: sings the alphabet song ALOT! Reads to herself & her sisters at nap time. Her newest thing is to say "oh, no! Oh, dear!" complete with facial expression & hand gestures. She also now only calls JuJu, JuJu Bean. Her favorite request is to take a shower. Yes a shower! She LOVES IT!
River, besides "pusha button", is still the boss. She will tell you if you forget. And if you have something she wants, she will trade you for it. (basically she hands you whatever & then rips whatever she wants out of your hands). The girls are just getting soooo big! I can't call them babies anymore. sniff sniff.
Other big news, BIG NEWS! is Mom and I (mostly her!) have launched a new website Knitting Lagniappe . We are really excited about this. It is an adventure we have talked about doing for years that has finally come to fruition. My mom is one of the most talented, hardest working person I know, so it was alot of fun putting this together. We will also be vendors this weekend at the DFW Fiber Festival. You can also see more on her blog, Sony's world of mud & yarn.
Last weekend, my friend Nicole came up to see me. Last time I saw her the girls were still in the NICU. We had the best time and got so much in over the 48 hours she was here! One of the best things we did was a 3-hr spa treatment! Yes, THREE hours! It was a.m.a.z.i.n.g! And we got them to put us in the same room so we could keep chatting the whole time.