Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday night & crib tents


Charity Donovan said...

OMG I'm cracking up!!!!! Hope they work as well for you as they have for us!!! I wouldn't have quads w/out them!!! LOL!!!! Love you Mist!!!! Have a great weekend!

Suzanne said... it bad that i was dying laughing at juju at the very end!? sweet girls--can't wait to play with you this afternoon!!! xoxo

Josh and Teri Duggan said...

what a great helper Juju was to Daddy. I hope the tents give you peace of mind!

Andrea said... needs to get rid of their silly ad with the lady vacuuming and put your video up instead! Crib tents rock!!

Lauren said...

Just curious why you are trying those? I mean they are old enough to switch to toddler beds now right? I know other quad families have somehow survived the transition! :-) (mcnulty quads) Otherwise looks like those things work great! Poor JuJu :-)

Kimberly King said...

how stinkin cute. and funny (from this end!). i agree that would be a perfect ad for the tents!!!

Misty said...

Lauren, we do plan on goign to toddler beds, but with the way JuJU climbs over EVERYTHING & is know to wake alot at night, for now it is safer to go with the tents. The girls are actually starting to like them & request gettin zipped up. Also, 2 of the girls LOVE having their "space" at nap & bedtime & if they were out of cribs, that "little space" would be lost. It was something we looked at extensively.

Sugar Mommy said...

I read your blog all the time and love it! I hard 28 month old triplets and I giggled when you showed them climbing out. It is an exact match of the triplets at nite-nite time! You'll have to let me know how the tents work...I am very curious. We also have toddler beds but I am trying to hold off as long as possible as mine are climbers and like to get into everything!

Shannon said...

Those look neat. Do you know if they work with cribs that are higher in the back than in the front? I looked into them but could only find the ones for cribs that are the same height in front and back.

The Ortega's said...

Misty, I have two littl emonkey as well... I can't imagine this with four. It's so fun to watch the girls learning and growing up. I LOVE the new picture header on your blog!!!