Of course, Noni loved being surrounded by her "quaddies" and the girls LOVED getting into the guest room & jumping on the bed while she was still in it. So after a quick cup of coffee and some pancakes for everyone, we took off to Little Gym!
TA DA! I'm THREE years old! Can you believe it? I can't!
Even Noni got into the action. Noni has not missed one birthday with the girls yet. She even arrived at the hospital only a few hours after they were born. Having MY Mom be a huge part of the life of my girls means so much to me. Beau & I truly would not have survived those first few months without her! Or my Dad for his support in letting her be with us all those weeks! THANK YOU NONI & POP POP!!!!
It made the day extra special for all of us having her here!
I'm going to party ALL DAY LONG!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!
Hmm..... where should we do lunch? It is OUR birthday. Do you think we need reservations?
We went to "moleeeeee"! Was there any doubt????? ( For those new to the blog, that would be BLUE GOOSE Resturant. It is known as moleee, short for guacamoleeeee)
Well, now that I'm three , I'm going to use the knife too!
Me & Monkey (aka Skye Monkey Princess)
The girls were so cute ALL day saying "it's my birthday! where's my party? Will we get cake?" It didn't help when they went with us to Party City to get more supplies. I had a mild panic that there would not be enough decorations. (Did I mention that I was at Walmart and Target until they closed the night before still trying to put the party together? HA! and still felt the need for more? I guess that's what happens when you literally wait to the last minute!) Anyhoo......
It took forever to get them down for nap, but once they finally went to sleep Noni and I went to work to get things ready. Party favors, snacks, picking up the cake & cupcakes. Beau was sent to the store and to clean the van! By the time that was all done, we were ready for a nap.....however it was the beginning of "party time"!!!!!!
The girls woke up to hair & make-up (it was their party afterall!) and then THE DRESSES! I had bought the dresses for Halloween with full intention of using them for their birthday party. Well, the girls have been wanting to wear them everyday since Halloween and were so excited to get to wear them again. It was all I was hearing about from 2 of them...."where's my dress? I want my dress! I neeed my dress!!!!!" (Can you guess who that was????)
Waiting for photos with Noni while still all fresh.
Everyone look at the phone! Yep, got it! (Rayne-always properly accessorized & prepared!)
This was the best we could get. There is only soooo much cooperation from a three year-old, especially with a PARTY to go too!
No pictures please......
Why are you still clicking that camera Mommy? And what is that thing Noni has in her lap????
Well, that would be the "special" party favor! I'm so glad you asked...... It is a "Fairy Marshmellow Wand"! (these were a HUGE HIT! Found the idea off another blog that referenced the book Fairies Cookbook
The Cupcakes....Mm, MMMMM, mmmm!
(I know this is taking forever, but it will be sooner than later. Promise!)
It looks like such a fun day! The cupcakes are adorable, as are your fairy princesses! I am especially digging the name "Skye Monkey Princess!"
Happy Birthday, Girls! Never, ever sell those dresses. Just hang 'em up and wait for your granddaughters to wear them- they are so filled with happy memories!
OMG Mist....the 4 little princesses looked ADORABLE!! Love the cupcakes! Can't wait to see the rest!!! SO FUN!!!! =)
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