Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Dentist

Today the girls had their first dentist appointment. It went amazingly well. Huge thanks to Aunt Liz for helping out. But I would like to say a HUGE thanks to Ms. Kelli Sattler! It is because of her that we went and got to meet this wonderful dentist. Our local Moms of Multiples group every year has a gala with a silent auction. This past year's event, Kelli bid and won an office visit, cleaning, ect. for all multiples in one family ( I know they were thinking it would be a set of twins!). Kelli gave me the certificate as a gift and told me she bid on specifically for us. It was truly one of the kindest, most unexpected gifts that I have received and so touched by. Kelli and I met at our first PAMOM meeting. She was stressing about having twins until I said I was having quads. She said she instantly felt MUCH better. HA! She has the two adorable boys the girls had a play date a few weeks ago with. So Kelli, THANK YOU! And again, Aunt Liz, thanks for helping to "herd" the crew.Liz helping to watch the girls while I finished 4 sets of new patient info. She helped filled out alot of the forms too.
Well, I guess if they have this many certificates on the walls, it's ok. Hmm... since they won't let me knock the lap over, I wonder if they notice if I knock one of these off the wall?
JuJu was the brave one to go first and thoroughly inspect all the gadgets.
And this is how each of the girls got their teeth checked & cleaned. Dr.Asher was so unbelievably patient. You would never know the absolute chaos going on to the right.


Courtney Kay said...

that looks like such a great dentist office (i still hate the dentist) the last pic looks so calm and sweet with the dr and assistant holding you sweet little ones!

Denise said...

Isn't it great to have such a wonderful dentist? That is how things go when we go to the dentist. I am glad you were able to take the girls. I think it is important to start early.